Following are the three lists of products currently supported by Futurehome. We highly recommend using products from either Futurehome or our main partners.

We are always looking for new and interesting companies to partner up with to create the best possible experience for our customers.

Do you have something that is not on the list but that works flawlessly with Futurehome?

Let us know and we will add it.

Futurehome products

For the installations where the highest quality, stability and security is the main priority we recommend using Futurehome products. This will ensure a system where there will be no surprises on updated software, firmware or API, which gives the most reliable system and the highest uptime we can deliver.

Products marked with 🚫 are no longer sold.

Support priority: highest

Untitled Database

‘Works with Futurehome’ products

If our own products does not cover your needs, this is a list of products where we closely cooperate with the companies responsible to ensure a reliable product support. Along with our own Futurehome products, these are our most recommended products to use with our system.

This list is dependent on our great partnerships and will be adjusted as we gain more close partnerships. We are always looking for companies to create close cooperation with around product support.

Products marked with 🚫 are no longer sold.

Support priority: high

Community products